Breath Workshop ~ Somato Respiratory Integration:
Stages 1, 2, 3
In this workshop, you will learn about and experience Somato Respiratory Integration, a series of 12 breathing exercises designed to help the brain to reconnect with the body and its experience. The goal of SRI is to help an individual develop lifetime skills, safety, strength, wisdom and love in relationship to the experience of his/her body, its vibration, structure, and energy. Through connecting a person's breath, touch, focused movement, and attention, they are able to experience the body more fully and instantly shift their state of consciousness to one that supports trust for the body-mind and their life experience. Each of the 12 exercises brings with it its own richness of personal growth and development.
Stage 1: Suffering
Experience how connecting to alienated parts of the body can bring a sense of peace, pain & tension reduction and even a boosting of energy.
In stage 1, we may find a sense of ease, acceptance and peace even amidst the challenges of daily living.
Stage 2: Polarities & Rhythms
Experience the connection between two or more rhythms in the body and the resulting energy it brings into the spine and other body structures. Stages 2 and 3 are key to healthy relationships, harnessing creative energy, and taking consistent action in life.
Stage 3: Stuck in a Perspective
Experience how bringing energy into stuck areas of the body can lead to major physical and emotional/mental breakthroughs in life. Stages 2 and 3 are key to healthy relationships, harnessing creative energy, and taking consistent action in life.
What to expect:
A better understanding of SRI, its purpose, a taste of the first 3 Stages of healing and how to apply these stages in daily living. A deeper connection to the body & breath, ease & relaxation, revitalization, reduced pain, increase energy & movement.
No prior experience necessary or class prerequisites. You may take this class without having taken any prior SRI classes. The workshop is structured upon the “Somato Respiratory Integration Workbook” (by Dr. Donald Epstein). Participants are encouraged to buy the workbook before the workshop so to make the most out of the workshop experience.
You may purchase it for $29 through (303) 678-8086 or through (prices vary).
Special Note:
Sign up for Stages 4, 5, 6, 7 on November 10th here:
Sign up for Stages 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 on November 24th here:
What to bring:
Water bottle, Yoga Mat, comfortable clothing, pen & note pad
About Dr. Bell
Dr. Bell is a licensed Chiropractor out of Troy, MI specializing in Network Care (Network Spinal Analysis + Somato Respiratory Integration), a very gentle and profound form of Health & Wellness care. He brings over 20 years of experience in subtle, energetic, and structural body work.
For more information, please visit